When people are just beginning their GMAT prep journey, they tend to have a lot of questions. Our GMAT tutors have heard them all. Here are our answers to 6 common GREP prep questions.
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Answers to 7 Common GMAT Prep Questions
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on February 21, 2023 10:15:00 AM CST
Tags: GMAT prep, GMAT resources, GMAT, GMAT Blog, gmat test prep
GMAT Exam Overview: Order Sections, Adaptivity, and GMAT Scoring
Posted by Lili Traviato on February 16, 2023 10:00:00 AM CST
In the following article, we’re going to talk about the strategic implications of the GMAT's structure and scoring system. If you haven’t read part one of this overview, we encourage you to start with that first. You can either read this article or watch our GMAT Exam Overview video on YouTube.
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GMAT Exam Overview: What's on the GMAT Exam?
Posted by Lili Traviato on February 15, 2023 11:00:00 AM CST
Are you looking for a simple and easy-to-follow overview of what concepts are covered on the GMAT, what key GMAT test-taking strategies you need to know, and how to register for the GMAT exam? In the following article, we'll discuss the logistics for both the online and in-person GMAT test-taking processes in the post covid era. You can either read this article or watch our GMAT exam overview video on YouTube. To make things easier to digest, we've broken the content of the video up into two parts. In this post, we'll cover the differences between the online and in-person GMAT administrations. In part two, we'll cover the test-taking strategies you can glean from the structure of the exam.
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An 80th percentile GMAT quant score is said to be necessary to get admitted to many of the top MBA programs in the U.S. Is this true? Who knows? I went to the Kellogg School of Management, but scored below the 80th percentile on GMAT quant. That said, it certainly helps and is an excellent GMAT score goal. Do you want to score above the 80th percentile on GMAT quant?
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Performing mental math calculations faster and more accurately is a surprisingly important element of success on the GMAT. And for any given ability level, It’s also important to gain confidence in your mental math abilities before taking the GMAT. Confidence is often half the battle. At the same time, practicing, having strategies in your mind, and understanding where and how mental math is important can all breed confidence.
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT resources, GMAT Blog, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, gmat study skills, improving your gmat score, gmat math, gmat tutorial, gmat free tutorial, gmat calculation, gmat calculator
Applying the Basics of Argumentation for GMAT Critical Reasoning Success
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 23, 2021 12:11:45 PM CDT
Although you’ll likely see slightly fewer Critical Reasoning questions than Sentence Correction or Reading Comprehension on the Verbal section of the GMAT, it is still a sizeable portion of the exam. Having a strong foundational knowledge of argumentation is key to understanding how to answer GMAT critical reasoning questions correctly.
Read MoreTags: GMAT verbal, GMAT tutor, GMAT resources, GMAT Blog, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, gmat study skills, improving your gmat score, gmat tutorial, gmat argumentation, gmat free tutorial, gmat critical reasoning