Professional CertificAtion NEws and Exam Strategy

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How to Study for the SIE Exam in 2024 - and Succeed!

This article provides an overview of some of the most important, yet often overlooked, study strategies and habits that make all the difference in passing or failing the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam. Different content providers have pros and cons like anything else, but regardless of which SIE study resource you choose, it is paramount that you rely upon a proven a curriculum instead of attempting to utilize the internet (or a friend’s outdated SIE book) as your primary study guide. The best SIE self-study resources out there come from Kaplan Financial Education, providing a bank of exam practice questions and a physical or online textbook along with other additional materials. 

A Tutor's Guide to the Best Online CFA Prep Options

private-cfa-tutorWelcome to the start of your CFA journey! You are embarking on an adventure that can lead to immense benefits, both in terms of professional designation and recognition, and also personal investment acumen and edification which can help you and your loved ones manage your financial affairs with deftness and command. Do not overlook the latter benefits, as improving your economic understanding of the world just may end up yielding a higher ROI than hanging the coveted charter on the wall. So, now that we are sufficiently motivated, where to begin?

CAIA vs. CFA: Similarities, Differences, and Implications for Aspiring Finance Professionals

We provide both CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) tutoring and CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analysis) tutoring. In most cases, students come to us having already decided which exam is for them and why they want to earn one designation or the other. On the other hand, many of our CFA tutors also hold the CAIA.  

When Should You Start Studying for the CFA?

One of the most frustrating situations for a CFA tutor is to be connected images-1.jpgwith a nice, capable, seemingly committed CFA student who simply started studying for the exam too late. The rule of thumb for level 1 of the CFA is that it should take you about 300 hours of preparation. I believe that the pure amount of material covered on the CFA is why most CFA prep solutions are classroom and video based. There is just so much material, it’s far easier to help people work through it as efficiently as possible by explaining the key concepts clearly and providing extra practice. In that sense, the most valuable tool in your toolkit when it comes to CFA preparation is time. Just begin the process far enough in advance and, generally speaking, you’ll be OK.

Preparing for the CFA exam: Financial reporting of defined benefit pension plans

gre-verbal-score.pngThe financial reporting and analysis section is one of the more heavily weighted topics on levels 1 and 2, making up 20% and 15-20% of each exam, respectively.

Therefore, it is very important to spend a considerable amount of time on this entire section in order to have success on exam day.

The employee compensation reading falls within the scope of financial reporting and analysis and is one of the more challenging sub-topics for many students. The reading is separated into two further sub-topics: pensions and other post-employment benefits, and share-based compensation. The former topic is much more difficult for students and will be the focus of this blog post.

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