CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Exam Tutoring

Prep for a Financial Planning Career

Not everyone working in the field of financial planning has CFP certification, some people have other certifications (such as the CFA), but there is no exam more specifically targeted toward financial planning than the CFP. At MyGuru, we recognize the potential career-long benefits of passing the CFP, and we’re confident we can help you achieve that goal.

The Certified Financial Planner of CFP exam is administered by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board). Only those who pass the CFP exam can claim the CFP Board’s endorsement as a Certified Financial Planner. If you’re considering taking the CFP exam, you’ve probably prepped for other standardized tests in the past, such as the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and more. However, while most of those tests are about skills and aptitudes, the CFP exam tests both skills and knowledge. In terms of knowledge, the CFP tests your technical, theoretical, and practical expertise regarding several topics, including the general principles of financial planning, insurance planning, investment planning, tax planning, retirement savings and income planning, estate planning, and professional conduct and regulation. The CFP also tests your ability to apply your knowledge, alongside your analytical skills, problem-solving capabilities, communication skills, and ethical decision-making skills.

MyGuru’s expert CFP tutors can empower you to succeed on the CFP by building your skills as well as your knowledge, and they can help you learn to apply your skills and knowledge to the specific structure of the CFP exam. Our tutors have significant track records of success when it comes to guiding CFP candidates through the entire exam process. They’ll work alongside you to engineer a personally tailored CFP prep plan that will prepare you to pass the CFP and take the next step toward a career in financial planning.

The MyGuru Edge for CFP Prep

At MyGuru, we believe that each student is unique, even if a test is standardized. Our CFP tutors understand that every student comes with his or her own set of strengths, weaknesses, goals, and learning preferences. They are adept at offering customized test preparation that enhances each student's scoring potential. Our tutors bring not only a deep understanding of the exam content but also valuable insights into the educational and test prep process. This allows us to develop a personalized study plan tailored to help you reach your specific scoring goals.

MyGuru's CFP tutoring is conducted using dynamic online whiteboarding tools in a virtual environment, requiring only an internet-connected computer with a microphone and camera, and no other specialized equipment. Our tutoring sessions are structured to incorporate both live practice problems and review of the test’s content. Through this parallel approach, our tutors demonstrate how specific CFP strategies and tactics can be applied to similar future problems, thus preparing you to successfully deal with new material on your official exam day.

The notes created on the whiteboard during the live session are then shared as static PDFs after each lesson or retained on a private-access whiteboard for future reference and interaction between sessions. These notes gradually become a unique supplementary “textbook” of targeted review material, tailored to each student’s particular lesson plan and learning style, offering a resource that can't be found anywhere else.

CFP Whiteboard

Request a CFP Exam Tutor

Customized CFP Study

Choosing the right CFP tutor is a significant decision and a valuable investment in your future. To help make an informed choice, we offer a free 15-minute introductory videoconference with any of our instructors. This session allows students to determine the best approach for their CFP and financial planning career objectives. Although we can also arrange a phone call, a videoconference is preferred as it provides a better platform to demonstrate what sets MyGuru apart from other CFP and finance-related test prep companies. During this videoconference, potential students can:

  • Experience live screen-sharing with a seasoned MyGuru CFP coach to understand the functionality of our dynamic whiteboarding tool and the differences between our standard and premium tutoring services
  • Discuss a personalized CFP study schedule and potential supplementary resources that will help continue their learning with thoughtfully designed homework assignments and study plans between sessions
  • Share their background with the CFP or other standardized tests they have taken or plan to take, to provide the MyGuru tutor with a clearer picture of their tutoring needs
  • Have a relaxed introductory conversation with the prospective CFP tutor to ensure a good personality fit and to evaluate if the tutor is well-suited to guide their CFP preparation journey.

CFP Tutoring Pricing & Package Options

MyGuru focuses on delivering the highest possible return on investment, enabling you to start your tutoring journey with just one hour of instruction and no long-term commitment. Our students regularly achieve passing scores on the CFP exam, essential for earning the CFP designation and securing lucrative positions with top employers. Furthermore, many of our students continue to succeed by passing additional finance-related exams such as the CFA, FRM, CAIA, CPA, and more. We provide various levels of instruction and hours to maximize value.

  • Standard Online | $130 per hour | $600 for 5 hours | $1,400 for 12 hours | $2,700 for 24 hours
    Our most cost-effective choice, MyGuru Standard Online CFP tutoring, is much more affordable than similar services from other tutoring competitors. This service is tailored to meet each student's unique needs by pairing them with an instructor with extensive tutoring experience. Additionally, students receive a PDF of the whiteboard notes from every session via email within 24 hours.
  • Premium Online | $200 per hour | $900 for 5 hours | $2,100 for 12 hours | $4,000 for 24 hours
    Our highest value offering is MyGuru Premium Online CFP tutoring, which provides complete recordings of every session, available for review up to three months following the completion of your final lesson. This option also includes a private interactive whiteboard where students can demonstrate strategies live during lessons and post questions or comments between sessions to maintain communication with their tutor. Instructors monitor the board daily to respond according to the students’ needs.
  • Expert Edge Online | $250 per hour | $1,125 for 5 hours | $2,600 for 12 hours | $5,000 for 24 hours
    Are you seeking major boosts to your score? Our best option for you is Expert Edge tutoring with Tim Ford, MyGuru’s leading CFP tutor. Tim has over 15 years of experience both working in the financial industry as well as teaching financial and accounting topics to countless students. Tim knows exactly how to tailor the concepts of any certification exam to your unique learning style, and can even tutor in multiple languages!

Our tutoring packages are crafted for flexibility, offering regular lessons of 60, 90 (most common), or 120 minutes, depending on the student’s preferences and availability. After purchasing a package, any extra time is billed at that package’s prorated hourly rate. We do offer refunds for unused hours, minus a 5% processing fee, provided that at least 24-hour notice is given for any cancellation or rescheduling.

Though not recommended for the computer-based CFP exam and missing the dynamic features of our online tutoring, in-person instruction is available in many major US cities upon request. This service is offered at the same price as our Premium Online instruction.

Your CFP Tutoring Guru

Our CFP tutoring team is led by Tim Ford. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Finance, Tim immediately began sharing his knowledge of advanced accounting and financial practices, starting with his work as an Economic Development Promoter with the Peace Corps. There, he worked in English and Spanish, which refined his communication skills and helped him develop the skill of translating complex concepts to meet learners exactly where they are.

Tim then moved into a role as a stockbroker at Scottrade, where he continued practicing his multilingual skills as he offered expert assistance in executing trades, interpreting diverse regulatory requirements, and discerning lucrative trading opportunities. Next, Tim served as a Financial Advisor and Senior Training Consultant with TIAA-CREF, before coming to MyGuru, where in addition to leading the CFP team he serves as a Financial Certification Coach. He offers educational and training support tailored to financial advisors and planners, including comprehensive prep for the CFP exam, as well as other FINRA exams, including the SIE, Series 6, Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, and Series 66.

While Certified Financial Planner may not be the most compelling job title, Tim knows just how exciting this work can be. Working with the Peace Corps, he helped spearhead a micro-finance course entitled "Construye tus Sueños" (Constructing Your Dreams), tailored for professionals within the Cooperativa Cleto Romero agricultural cooperative. From that point on, nothing has satisfied Tim more than helping students and professionals from all backgrounds construct their dreams.

tim ford

CFP Exam Overview

Who Should Take the CFP

College students considering finance careers after graduation

Professionals seeking to transition to the finance industry

Non-customer facing financial services employees seeking pursue client relations and financial planning roles

Exam Content

One 3-hour morning session comprised of 85 questions

One 3-hour afternoon session also comprised of 85 questions

Topics: professional conduct and regulation, general principles of financial planning, education planning, risk management and insurance planning, investment planning, tax planning, retirement savings and income planning, estate planning, interpersonal communication, and professional practice.

Scoring the Exam

The CFP exam is taken pass/fail.

The CFP Board pre-determines a “cut score,” but they do not publicly disclose what that score is.

If you fail the exam, you receive a diagnostic report detailing areas to target for improvement.

Why Take the CFP Exam?

If you’re pursuing a high-level career in financial planning or in an adjacent role in the financial industry, the CFP exam is an excellent choice. Passing the CFP exam will open up new doors professionally, enabling you to qualify for more high-level positions and to present as a more compelling applicant to employers.

Prepping for and passing the CFP exam demonstrates your ability to undertake a major commitment and to achieve a difficult long-term goal. It also demonstrates your expertise when it comes to the skills and knowledge necessary to work in financial planning. Additionally, whether you’re working independently or for a larger organization, having passed the CFP exam is likely to help you attract more clients. Clients want to be sure they can trust the people they allow to manage their finances, and the CFP certification is a powerful tool for establishing trustworthiness. It also illustrates your commitment to ethical principles, since the CFP exam incorporates ethics into its curriculum and its values.

Proven CFP Study Strategies

The CFP's broad subject matter makes it a particularly tough exam to prepare for, requiring significant dedication and effort. Studying for the CFP is akin to training for a triathlon, and the initial step is to commit to 1-2 hours of daily practice over a period of at least six weeks.

The CFP Board, the organization responsible for administering the CFP exam, provides the best starting resources. Take a free mock exam with official (past) CFP exam content to establish your baseline score, understand how much more preparation is needed to reach your goal, and identify topics to prioritize with your tutor.

To effectively prepare for the CFP, it’s crucial to invest in an additional package of online problems for regular practice. Each set should be thoroughly reviewed on your own to ensure you're benefiting from every exercise. It's important to take breaks between completing the practice questions and reviewing your answers. This helps prevent simply accepting the provided explanations and encourages you to understand why your initial answer was incorrect and how you could have arrived at the correct answer.

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