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Posts about study burnout:

10 Tips for Avoiding Burnout While Prepping for the LSAT

If you’re dreaming of a legal career, then you already know just how impactful your LSAT results will be on your education, your job prospects, and everything else. There’s a good chance, then, that you’re doing everything you possibly can to study for the LSAT, including devoting all your time and sacrificing things like sleep, exercise, and fun. This level of intensity is supported by the online “grind” culture of aspiring lawyers and other professionals who insist you should be devoting every ounce of energy to studying if you want to succeed.

However, such an approach is highly misguided, and is all but guaranteed to lead to study fatigue, burnout, and possibly even collapse. Rather than prepping constantly, you should be focused on prepping healthfully, intelligently, and well. In this article, we’ll offer ten tips for achieving a balanced LSAT prep regimen so you can avoid burnout and actually maximize results. These tips are based on actual evidence gathered from a study of grad students studying for standardized tests.

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