This summer, the LSAC quietly ended its partnership with Khan Academy and all free official LSAT prep materials are now available only at Four...
LSAT Tip of the Week: Logic Games & Diagramming
The LSAT Analytical Reasoning, or Logic Games, can seem daunting if you walk in without a game plan. This week we will briefly discuss diagramming to give you a solid foundation on how to attack these questions. First, get comfortable with diagramming. There are many different ways to diagram, so try them all out and see which one works best for you - here is one by the LSAT Trainer. While you diagram, look for key phrases that will help you pull out rules. Magoosh does an excellent overview of different logic patterns and how to diagram them. The three major types of logic games are sequencing, grouping, and matching. Each of these will be diagrammed in its own way, so make sure you know how to approach each one. Once you tackle and master diagramming, you will see a drastic improvement on your logic games section.