TEAS Exam Tutoring
The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is designed to evaluate a student's readiness to enter nursing or allied health school. Schools rely on it because studies show a consistent link between a student’s performance on the TEAS and academic success in nursing school.
What is on the TEAS Exam?
The exam consists of 170 questions for which you are allotted 209 minutes, split into the following sections:
- Reading- 53 questions in 64 minutes with content that covers: key ideas and details, structure, integration of ideas
- Mathematics- 36 questions in 54 minutes with content that covers: numbers and algebra, measurement and data
- Science- 53 questions in 63 minutes, with content that covers: anatomy and physiology, life sciences, scientific reasoning
- English Language and Usage- 28 questions in 28 minutes with content that covers: English conventions, language knowledge, vocabulary acquisition
To learn more about the TEAS, visit ATI’s official web-site.
Our Approach to TEAS Exam Prep
Working with a TEAS tutor is a customized experience featuring customized instruction from an expert tutor. Students are usually asked to at least purchase ATI’s “TEAS BASIC PACKAGE” prior to their first session (the SmartPrep package is also an option, though far more expensive). The student is asked to complete the evaluation practice exam to identify strengths and weaknesses before the first session. After taking the online practice TEAS test, you are provided (by ATI) with a score report which your TEAS tutor will use this to help you develop a customized study plan.
The first session involves a review of this diagnostic evaluation test, an overview of each section of the TEAS, and the development of a customized study plan. This is followed by tutoring sessions that cover both test taking strategies for each section of the TEAS as well as content review where necessary. Guidance on when to take the practice exams to measure progress is also provided.
Experienced Online TEAS Tutors
TEAS Tutoring Rates
Pricing for TEAS tutoring varies. On the low end, a TEAS tutor may cost $30 per hour. But these are typically less experienced tutors. On the high end, you may pay up to $100 per hour for a highly experienced TEAS tutor with an established track record of success.
Additional Recommended TEAS Prep Materials
Many TEAS students ask about what prep materials to use to supplement private TEAS tutoring. In addition to the materials referenced above, you can consider the following low cost prep options from Amazon.